**Warning!! は、アンチウイルスソフトで危険(danger)と判断されたサイトです。誤検出かもしれませんのでリンクは残しますが、ご注意を。
**Warning!! means that my anti-virus software told me "the danger site". This judgement may be incorrect, but please be careful on click.
**Warning!! は、アンチウイルスソフトで危険(danger)と判断されたサイトです。誤検出かもしれませんのでリンクは残しますが、ご注意を。
**Warning!! means that my anti-virus software told me "the danger site". This judgement may be incorrect, but please be careful on click.
4L | NARG | National Association Radioamateurs of Georgia |
4S | RSSL | Radio Society of Sri Lanka |
4X | IARC | Israel Amateur Radio Club |
5B | CARS | Cyprus Amateur Radio Society |
9K | KARS | Kuwait Amateur Radio Society |
9M2 | MARTS | Malaysian Amateur Radio Transmitter's Society |
9V | SARTS | Singapore Amateur Radio Transmitter's Society |
A4 | ROARS | Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society |
A6 | EARS | Emirates Amateur Radio Society |
A7 | QARS | Qatar Amateur Radio Society |
A9 | ARAB | Amateur Radio Association Bahrain |
AP | PARS | Pakistan Amateur Radio Society |
BV | CTARL | Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) Amateur Radio League |
BY | CRSA | Chinese Radio Sports Association |
DU | PARA | Philippine Amateur Radio Association |
EK | FRRA | Federation of Radiosport of the Republic of Armenia |
EP | ARSI | Amateur Radio Society of Iran |
EX | ARUK | The Amateur Radio Union of Kyrgyzstan :official? |
EY | TARL | Tajik Amateur Radio League |
EZ | LRT | Liga Radiolyubiteley Turkmenistana |
HL | KARL | Korean Amateur Radio League |
HS | RAST | Radio Amateur Society of Thailand |
JA | JARL | Japan Amateur Radio League |
JT | MARS | Mongolian Amateur Radio Society |
JY | RJRAS | Royal Jordanian Radio Amateur Society |
OD | RAL | Radio Amateurs of Lebanon |
S2 | BARL | Bangladesh Amateur Radio League |
TA | TRAC | Telsiz Radyo Amatorleri Cemiyeti |
UN | KFRR | Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosports and Radioamateur |
VR2 | HARTS | Hong Kong Amateur Radio Transmitting Society |
VU | ARSI | Amateur Radio Society of India |
XV | VARC | Vietnam Amateur Radio Club |
XX9 | ARM | Associacao dos Radioamadores de Macau |
XZ | BARTS | Burma Amateur Radio Transmitting Society |
YI | IARS | Iraqi Amateur Radio Society |
YK | SSTARS | Syrian Scientific Technical Amateur Radio Soceity |
3A | ARS | Association de Radioamateurs de Monaco |
4O | MARP | Montenegrin Amateur Radio Pool |
9A | HRS | Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez |
9H | MARL | Malta Amateur Radio League |
C3 | URA | Unio de Radioaficionats Andorrans |
CT | REP | Rede dos Emissores Portugueses |
CU | U.R.A. | Uniao de Radioamadores dos Acores |
DL | DARC | Deutscher Amateur Radio Club |
EA | URE | Union Radioaficionados Espanoles |
EA6 | CTCAIB | Union Radioaficionados Espanoles de las Islas Baleares |
EI | IRTS | Irish Radio Transmitters Society |
ER | ARM | Asociatia Radioamatorilor din Republica Moldova |
ES | ERAU | Eesti Raadioamatooride Uhing |
EU | BFRR | Belarussian Federation of Radioamateurs and Radiosportsmen |
F | REF | Radio Amateur Union of France |
G | RSGB | Radio Soc. of Great Britain |
GD | I.O.M. A.R.S. | The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society |
GU | GARS | Guernsey Amateur Radio Soc. |
HA | MRASZ | Magyar Radioamator Szovetseg |
HB | USKA | Union Switzerland Kurzwellen-Amateure |
HB0 | AFVL | Amateurfunk Verein Liechtenstein |
I | ARI | Associazioni Radioamatori Italiani |
LA | NRRL | Norsk Radio Relae Liga |
LX | RL | Radio Amateurs du Luxembourg |
LY | LRMD | Lietuvos Radijo Megeju Draugija |
LZ | BFRA | Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs |
OE | OEVSV | Oesterreichischer Versuchssenderverband |
OH | SRAL | Soc. of Finnish Radio Amateurs |
OK | CRK | Cesky Radioklub |
OM | SZR | Slovensky Radioamatersky |
ON | UBA | Union Belge des Amateurs-Emetteurs |
OY | FRA | Foroyskir Radioamatorar |
OZ | EDR | Experimenterende Danske Radioamatoer |
PA | VERON | Netherlands Experim. Radio Org. |
SM | SSA | Foeningen Sveriges Sandareamatorer |
SP | PZK | Polski Zwiazek Krotkofalowcow |
SV | RAAG | Radio Amateur Association of Greece |
T7 | ARRSM | Associazione Radioamatori della Repubblica di San Marino |
T9/E7 | ARABiH | Asocijacija Radioamatera Bosne i Hercegovine |
TF | IRA | Islenskir Radioamatorar |
UA | SRR | Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii |
UR | UARL | Ukrainian Amateur Radio League |
YL | LRAL | Latvijas Radio Amatieru Liga |
YO | FRR | Federatia Romana de Radioamatorism |
YT | SRS | Savez radio-amatera Srbije **Warning!!** |
Z3 | RSM | Radioamateur Society of Macedonia **Warning!!** |
ZA | AARA | Albanian Amateur Radio Association |
ZB | GARS | Gibraltar Amateur Radio Society |
3B | MARS | Mauritius Amateur Radio Society |
3DA | RSS | Radio Society of Eswatini |
3V | ASTRA | Association Tunisienne des Radioamateurs |
3X | ARGUI | Association des Radioamateurs de Guinea |
5H | TARC | Tanzania Amateur Radio Club |
5N | NARS | Nigeria Amateur Radio Society :Facebook |
5X | UARS | Uganda Amateur Radio Society |
5Z | ARSK | Amateur Radio Society of Kenya |
6W | ARAS | Association des Radio-Amateurs du Senegal |
7P | LARS | Lesotho Amateur Radio Society |
7X | ARA | Amateurs Radio Algeriens |
9G | GARS | Ghana Amateur Radio Society |
9J | RSZ | Radio Society of Zambia |
9L | SLARS | Sierra Leone Amateur Radio Society |
9Q | ARAC | Association des Radio Amateurs du Congo |
A2 | BARS | Botswana Amateur Radio Society |
C9 | LREM | Liga dos Radio Emissores de Mocambique |
CN | ARRAM | Association Royale des Radio-Amateurs du Maroc |
EL | LRAA | Liberia Radio Amateur Association |
ET | EARS | Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society |
J2 | ARAD | Association des Radioamateurs de Djibouti |
S0 | RASD | Radioaficion en la Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratica |
ST | SARA | Sudanese Amateur Radio Associarion |
SU | EARA | Egypt Amateur Radio Assembly |
TJ | ARTJ | Association des Radio Amateurs du Cameroun |
TN | URAC | Union Des Radioamateurs du Congo |
TR | AGRA | Association Gabonaise des Radio-Amateurs |
TU | ARAI | Association Des Radio Amateurs Ivoiriens |
TZ | CRAM | Club des Radioamateurs et Affilies du Mali |
V5 | NARL | Namibian Amateur Radio League |
XT | ARBF | Association des Radioamateurs du Burkina Faso |
Z2 | ZARS | Zimbabwe Amateur Radio Society |
ZS | SARL | South African Radio League |
6Y | JARA | Jamaica Amateur Radio Assn. |
8P | ARSB | Amateur Radio Society of Barbados |
C6 | BARS | Bahamas Amateur Radio Society |
CM/CO | FRC | Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba |
HH | RCH | Radio Club d'Haiti |
HI | RCD | Radio Club Dominicano [RCD] |
HP | LPR | Liga Panamena de Radioaficionados |
HR | RCH | Radio Club de Honduras |
J3 | GARC | Grenada Amateur Radio Club |
J6 | SLARC | Amateur Radio Club Santa Lucia |
J7 | DARCI | Dominica Amateur Radio Club Inc. |
KP4 | RCPR | Radio Club de Puerto Rico |
TG | CRAG | Club de Radioaficionados de Guatemala |
TI | RCCR | Radio Club de Costa Rica |
V2 | ABARS | Antigua and Barbuda Amateur Radio Society |
V3 | BARC | Belize Amateur Radio Club |
VE | RAC | Radio Amateurs of Canada |
V4 | SKNAARS | St Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Amateur Radio Society |
VP2M | MARS | Montserrat Amateur Radio Society |
VP2V | BVIRL | British Virgin Islands Radio League |
VP5 | TACARS | Turks and Caicos Amateur Radio Society |
VP9 | RSB | The Radio Society of Bermuda |
W/K | ARRL | American Radio Relay League |
XE | FMRE | Fed. Mexicana de Radio Experimentadores |
YN | CREN | Club de Radio-Experimentadores de Nicaragua |
YS | CRAS | Club de Radio Aficionados de El Salvador |
ZF | CARS | Cayman Amateur Radio Society |
8R | GARA | Guyana Amateur Radio Association |
9Y | TTARS | Trinidad & Tobago Amateur Radio Society |
CE | RCCH | Radio Club de Chile |
CP | RCB | Radio Club Boliviano |
CX | RCU | Radio Club Uruguayo |
HC | GRC | Guayaquil Radio Club |
HK | LCRA | Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados |
LU | RCA | Radio Club Argentino |
OA | RCP | Radio Club Peruano |
P4 | AARC | Aruba Amateur Radio Club |
PJ | VERONA | Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek, in de Nederlandse Antillen |
PY | LABRE | Brasileira de Radioamadores |
PZ | VRAS | Vereniging van Radio Amateurs in Suriname |
YV | RCV | Radio Club Venezolano |
ZP | RCP | Radio Club Paraguayo |
3D2 | FARA | Fiji Association of Radio Amateurs |
5W | SARC | Samoa Amateur Radio Club |
9M6 | SAS | Sabah Amateur Radio Society |
A3 | ARCOT | Amateur Radio Club of Tonga |
FK | ARANC | Association des Radio Amateurs en Nouvelle-Caledonie |
FO | CORA | Club Oceanien de Radio et d'Astronomie |
H4 | SIRS | Solomon Islands Radio Society |
P2 | PNGARS | Papua New Guinea Amateur Radio Society |
V8 | BDARA | Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio Association |
VK | WIA | Wireless Institute of Australia |
VP6 | PIARA | Pitcairn Island Amateur Radio Association |
YB | ORARI | Organisasi Amatir Radio Indonesia |
YJ | VARS | Vanuatu Amateur Radio Society |
ZL | NZART | New Zealand Amateur Radio Xmitters |